Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The evolution of my title

Okay so a fly never fell in my frijoles (beans) before but my Abuelita (Grandmother) refuses to eat black beans for this very reason.  I thought it would make for an interesting title of my blog.  I also considered "what I am sinking about" with the awesome youtube video found here -

I chuckle every time and I don't even understand German.  But my husband does!  (You have to say that last line like Chunk from the Goonies.  "Okay so Michael Jackson didn't come over to my use the bathroom.  But his sister did!")  That has got to be my number one most watched movie ever.

I also considered "this one time in band camp" except I was never in band camp but I always start my stories with, "this one time."  My sister was in asthma camp and I was in camp at church in elementary school but then my blog would sound religious which I wanted to avoid.  Who would want to read a blog about "this one time in church camp?"  Not me.

So now that I've finished my first entry that was really all about the evolution of my blog title.  It's a work in progress.  My co-worker told me just to start the blog already so ta da!

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