Thursday, September 8, 2011

This one time I needed to write

I haven't written in my blog in a long while and I don't have an excuse other than pure laziness.  I will try to rectify that especially that I have only days left of being thirty-one years old.  The thoughts of a thirty-one year old are much different than those of a thirty-two year old I imagine.

My family came to San Diego this past weekend to celebrate my birthday with me even though it's really this Saturday.  We spent a lot of time at the beach in Carlsbad which was like re-discovering the city given that I work in Carlsbad but don't really know the area apart from where I work, the gym and the outlets.  I'm an outlet fan, what can I say?  Aside from stuffing ourselves silly there were some really memorable moments which I'll share.

The hotel played a movie every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in their outdoor patio.  We watched The Lion King huddled under beach towels sprawled out in the grass against the night sky.  I wanted to sing the words to some of the songs but no one else was singing so I just whispered, "hakuna mata" to myself.  That particular song reminded me of my sister Cristina given that she sang that song at one of her school productions.  She used to practice so often we eventually knew most of the words to the song as well.  I could hear my father's laughter to the jokes in the song as though he were watching the movie for the first time.  "What's a motto?" asked Pumbaa.  "Nothing, what's a-motto with you?" said Timon. 

On Sunday we took a stroll along the beach with my two nephews in tow, my husband, my father and my sister Vanesa.  My mom had a headache so she opted to stay in the car.  We pushed my four month old nephew in his stroller and when he started protesting I decided to hold him in my arms and then when he got heavy I held him in the baby carrier also known as the baby bjorn.  (Which is actually quite fitting since he looks like a little German given his hair cut even though the company is Swedish.  I like to say Auf Wiedersehen to him because I think it's hilarious.  It's from this movie Bridesmaids and that quote never gets old).  So I held my little German nephew even though he's really Mexican and he seems so observant with those black marbles for eyes so I spoke to him in Spanish, pointing things out to him as though he understands everything.  I described things that were happening around us, pointed out birds, asked him questions, I was just his translator until he found the words himself.  His response?  He just giggled in delight.  

This one time I wrote a Father's Day Poem

I should preface this by saying that my father was out of the country during Father's Day so I just wrote him this poem a few weeks ago.  I cried writing it and he cried reading it which is a sign of a good poem to me.

A Poem For My Father

Long fingers push the back of my bicycle
Streamers fly in the wind
Skinny legs pedal as fast as they can
Crooked teeth expose a giant smile

Memories float to the surface in remembrance
Flat stones skip across an ocean sky
Baseballs thrown and caught in a grassy field
Small limbs undulate to dramatic music

You are my loving father
Human elevator
Over-complicated math tutor
Family genealogy instructor
And loving father

When my hands are wrinkled
And years have passed
My heart will burst in remembrance
Of twirling in white with you by my side