Thursday, September 8, 2011

This one time I wrote a Father's Day Poem

I should preface this by saying that my father was out of the country during Father's Day so I just wrote him this poem a few weeks ago.  I cried writing it and he cried reading it which is a sign of a good poem to me.

A Poem For My Father

Long fingers push the back of my bicycle
Streamers fly in the wind
Skinny legs pedal as fast as they can
Crooked teeth expose a giant smile

Memories float to the surface in remembrance
Flat stones skip across an ocean sky
Baseballs thrown and caught in a grassy field
Small limbs undulate to dramatic music

You are my loving father
Human elevator
Over-complicated math tutor
Family genealogy instructor
And loving father

When my hands are wrinkled
And years have passed
My heart will burst in remembrance
Of twirling in white with you by my side

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